
Ben Adams, Jr.

PRWs and the Sanitary Transport Rule

LAST MONTH’S COLUMN began a discussion of the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Foods...

Citrus industry’s clock is ticking; researchers working to find a solution in time

FLORIDA’S CITRUS INDUSTRY has suffered significant losses due to citrus greening since the bacteria was...
William "Bill" Doty

For a lawn budding with beauty

IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE that August is here and that we’re this far into it...

MSU Extension takes a close look at Florida ag

WE IN FLORIDA have known for quite some time how grand, how diverse, and how...

Citrus greening putting ag research on display

CITRUS GREENING IS A SCOURGE on the Florida citrus industry, but it highlights the value...
William "Bill" Doty

The battle for your lawn and garden

NOW THAT WE’RE well into July, here are some tips you can arm yourself with...

Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference showcases renewed optimism

WHILE GREAT CHALLENGES continue to beset the Florida citrus industry, a greater sense of optimism...

Getting ready for new federal overtime regulations

NEW OVERTIME REGULATIONS are in the books in Washington, D.C., but they won’t be effective...
Mike Roberts

Recently released early Valencia orange varieties from UF/IFAS may offer advantage to growers

FLORIDA CITRUS GROWERS are in dire need of new orange trees, and two new early...

Government funds available to help your operation

IF YOU KNOW where to find it, if you know how to access it, and...
William "Bill" Doty

Lawn care makes its way to the top of the outdoor to-do list

JUNE IS AN EXCELLENT month to plant new lawns and repair existing ones. You can...

What can we learn from this California ag education story?

AGRICULTURE IS IN NEED of warm bodies in the industry, with vacancies in the scientific...

Business resources for starting a farm

IF YOU’RE SEARCHING for something meaningful and rewarding to do with your life, be a...

The current peach harvest and compost observations for the orchard

IF YOU’RE in the peach business, then you’re keenly — and in some cases, painfully...

From the Editor’s Desk: Fresh From Florida Beef is on the horizon

ON APRIL 21, I was able to attend a media event to learn more about...

Postbloom fruit drop has reared its ugly head

IF YOU HAVE nerves of steel, a hardy soul, a resilient persona, and the patience...

Putting ag in the classroom with school gardens

SCHOOL GARDENS are not too cool for school, the statistics show. A Florida Department of...
William "Bill" Doty

Tree and lawn care for May in Central Florida

A LOT OF YOUNG backyard citrus trees that have not yet shown signs of greening...
Ben Adams, Jr.

The role of public refrigerated warehousing in school cafeterias, Part I

FOLKS SEPARATED from their public school lunchroom or cafeteria experiences by a period of 25...

Bactericides come to the aid of the citrus industry

FOLLOWING MONTHS of urgent requests and hopeful anticipation, Florida citrus growers now can deploy additional...

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