
Publisher Letter: Happy anniversary, Central Florida Ag News!

THIS EDITION of Central Florida Ag News has a very special theme, one that I...

A proposed expansion of overtime eligibility for salaried workers

PRESIDENT OBAMA and his U.S. Labor Department have proposed a major expansion of overtime eligibility...

Summertime for citrus: Your irrigation check-up

ALTHOUGH SUMMER is when most Florida citrus growers take a collective sigh of relief after...
William "Bill" Doty

See lawn improvements with regular feeding, mowing

THIS TIME of the summer, during the peak of the grass-growing season, you can easily...

Citrus study offers lesson in ‘irresponsible science’

SCIENCE IS A BELOVED ASPECT of agriculture, as it has long influenced agriculture in such...

Soil life challenges

OUR SANDY SOILS in Florida are a constant challenge to all growers of all crops...

Summer irrigation checkup

SUMMER IS A BUSY time for Florida blueberry growers, and it’s one where growers should...

Publisher Letter: Your Blueberry Roundup edition

WELCOME TO the Annual Blueberry Roundup edition of Central Florida Ag News! As a Florida...
Katie Hennessy

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis

EQUINE PROTOZOAL myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurological disease in horses and is caused by the...

From the Editor’s Desk: New citrus varieties available for live field trials

BEING BORN AND RAISED in Central Florida, I happen to know lot of folks in...

Repair regulations: Available elections (Part 4)

TAXPAYERS MAY CHOOSE to take advantage of the de minis safe harbor election under the...

Hurricane preparedness for your outbuildings

JUNE 1 brought the start of the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season, which is incentive enough...

Back to basics: Form I-9 and E-Verify

IF YOU’RE THE OWNER or manager of a business with employees, you probably already know...

PCFB President’s Column: Young Farmer & Rancher Committee growing

OUR YOUNG FARMER & Rancher Committee continues to grow under the leadership of its officers...
Ben Adams, Jr.

The proposed Safe Food Act of 2015, Part II

LAST MONTH, we introduced the topic of the proposed Safe Food Act (SFA) of 2015...

Preventing and protecting our lands from wildfires

SO FAR THIS YEAR, more than 1,300 wildfires have ravaged our lands and forests. Florida...

Stewards of the land and our environment

OFTENTIMES, FARMERS, RANCHERS and other ag folks are portrayed as being at odds with environmentalists...
William "Bill" Doty

Conditions usually ideal now for lawn planting, patching

THERE ARE TWO kinds of sunshine — the radiant kind and the liquid kind —...

From the Editor’s Desk: Lessons learned from hard work

IN POLITICS, movies, and the media, we tend to hear a lot of rhetoric about...

Business-themed national events of note

A COUPLE OF business-themed national events were already in the rear-view mirror by the time...

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